Tecplot Tutorial

For Windows users, there is a tutorial which describes how to configure an xserver client such as xming to allow for the remote display of the Tecplot gui. This describes how to set up X11 tunneling which is required to allow the remote gui to be processed by the xserver client. This blog starts with an introduction by Tiffany Cook, Partner and Public Relations Manager at Convergent Science. Then Scott Fowler, Tecplot 360 Product Manager, will talk briefly about Tecplot products and services. The rest is a tutorial for using Tecplot for CONVERGE. Jan 22, 2020 This blog on Tecplot Macro Tutorials was written from a webinar entitled Ask the Expert About Tecplot 360 hosted by Scott Fowler, Tecplot 360 Product Manager. We received numerous questions about Tecplot macros and this blog pulls our macro resources together in one place. What is a Tecplot macro? Delivers powerful visualization and analysis software for CFD Simulation Analytics, CFD Visualization and Analysis, Post-processing, Reservoir. About Tecplot Tecplot is now available to all HSSOE faculty, staff, and students for both instructional and research use. The School consolidated departmental and individual-seat licenses for Tecplot into a single schoolwide site-license. The School has a 3-year commitment to sustain the license.

About Tecplot

Tecplot is now available to all HSSOE faculty, staff, and students for both instructional and research use. The School consolidated departmental and individual-seat licenses for Tecplot into a single schoolwide site-license.

The School has a 3-year commitment to sustain the license (until Dec 2017).


Available Tecplot Software

Download Tecplot


Tecplot Tutorial Pdf

Download the following:

  • Software (Refer to theTecplotwebsite for product descriptions)

    • Versions available for Windows, Linux, & Mac.

    • Tecplot 360 is the most common download

Please note: You must login to your UCI Google Apps account in order to download Tecplot.

Once you install a product and run it, it will ask you for licensing information.

  • Choose network license.

The license server name is (here) the connection ports are the default.

If you encounter any issues installing or licensing the product, please contact Dan Melzer (dmelzer@uci.edu), ext 45619.


Tutorials available atTecplot.

Tecplot Contour Tutorial


How can I calculate and display vectors normal to a surface?


Load your dataset and then perform the following steps to calculate normal vectors in Tecplot 360 (not available in Tecplot Focus):

  1. Click on the Analyze menu and select Calculate Variables
  2. Select Grid K Unit Normal (vector)
  3. Set the New Var Location to Cell Center or Node, depending on the desired vector location with respect to the grid.
  4. Click Calculate
Tecplot xy plot tutorial

To display vectors in Tecplot 360/Focus, perform the following steps:

  1. Turn on the Vector layer (checkbox to the left of the plot frame)
  2. Select the normal vector component variables, when prompted
  3. If the normals are located at the cell center, click Zone Style, select the Points tab, and set Points To Plot to Cell Centers Near Surfaces.