Sims 4 Child Kiss Mod


Sims 4 Child Kiss Mod

  • Even if there isn't, that is an interesting idea, maybe someone will pick this idea up and make something out of it.
  • Heck, yes. I have been searching for the whole year. You guys would NEVER understand how happy I'd be if someone made this mod!! I tried to install modding stuff to make my own, but I wasn't able to install it. Please, someone, do it!!
    I've seen people wanting this 'cooties' idea, but I don't agree. That stuff is old now, no kids use it. I'd like stuff like this (in order of the relationship bar):
    Compliment - Sims may get a Happy moodlet ('It's good to know that people appreciate me!') or a Tense moodlet ('D-Do they like me? But I don't like them!')
    Hint - Sims may not get a moodlet, or get a Tense moodlet ('Was that a joke? It's not funny!')
    Attempt to hold hand - The Sim doing the action will either get a Happy moodlet ('I can't believe I just held ____'s hand!') or an Embarrassed moodlet ('Oh no.. I think that turned out worse than my grades!')
    Ask about Crush - The Sim doing the action may get no moodlet, or a Tense moodlet ('They have a crush! I hope they don't like each other!')
    Give Love Letter - The Sim who receives the letter might get a Happy moodlet or a Tense one, you know why.
    Play Mums and Dads - Admit it, we all played this as kids.
    Pretend Marriage - A girl would wear a white nightgown and daisy chains, a boy would wear a top hat and an oversized suit.
    Confess Crush - At this point, neither would be disgusted by the action. The Sim who confessed would get a Very Happy moodlet.
    Kiss - No, not really kissing. Just a little kiss on the hand or a kiss on the cheek.
    Those are my ideas! :blush:
  • I'd absolutely love to be able to play out a widdle love story between kiddos!
  • It could be done, but it would be a doozy. I mean, right now all the romance menus call an age checker script, and breaking that would be easy, but all that would do is give children access to the same romance interactions that everyone else has (and it wouldn't restrict anything intergenerational). What you're talking about is adding a different age checker script that rejects all non-children and creating custom romance commands that run through that script with custom modifiers, I'm guessing with parallel code (IE 'Confess Crush' would just be identical to 'Confess Attraction', with Children passing the age test and older sims not passing it).
    I'd be willing to put it on my back burner (I've got like three projects ahead of it so it'd be awhile), but here's my question: what's the endgame for it? I imagine by default the romantic currency bars they generate in childhood would just carry over when they age up (which I guess is what you'd want anyway - childhood puppy love often blossoms into something deeper in RL, and this would give it that kind of a boost). But should there be achievements? Whims? A childhood romance aspiration? There's a lot of directions one could conceivably take it.
    Hey new members! Wondering where the 'create discussion' button is? Turns out you need 30 posts and 50 points (points come from people reacting to your posts) in order to start your own discussions. Head to the welcome categories and post away and you should get there in a day or so.
  • @jerrycnh How would someone disable/break that age checker script you mentioned? I've been searching all over the internet for information on how to do that.
  • hi, I'm fench so sorry for the english. I really want this too, i'm learning how to mod the sims 4, so if someone find how to do that (give access to romance menu for childrens) I'll do it.
    and if I want this mod it's because I did pre teens sims mod. )
    Thanks !
  • Mc Command Center will do sort what you are asking but from what I know it might not work. It did work for one case where I wanted 2 of my sims to be in love, but they were cousins so I used the mod to have a romantic relationship between the 2. It might work for child sims too. I hope that can satisfy you for now.
  • Yes this would be so cute! The kiss cheek interaction would be adorable!
  • > @SprinklTheSim said:
    > Okay, first thing, is there a child romance mod for the sims 4? I think it'll be cute to have kids kiss, hold hands, or confess crush. Nothing serious though. Or maybe even ask to be girlfriend/boyfriend? PLEAAASE someone create this mod, i couldn't find anything!
    I know! I have been searching everywhere for a child romance mod too!
  • I also think that there should be an update where they introduce pre-teens, like they did with toddlers
  • Regarding preteens, here's my abbreviated rant on why that's not really possible in the Sims 4 Engine.
    Regarding the modifications you're looking for, the prime example would be a tuning file called testSet_AgeTeenOlder - that file is called by the engine whenever they want to make sure that the sim is, well, a teen or older, before allowing them to do things. If you edit that file and add the child variable as a passing condition, then voila - suddenly kids can do a lot of things adults can do.
    There's more than just that one file, I think there's like 10 or 15 age checkers like that buried all through the thing. I'd code it for you, but until I can find a way to block the obvious side effect (allowed pedophilic adult-child relationships), I'm afraid that the amount of hate mail I'd get for releasing the mod just wouldn't be worth it.
    Hey new members! Wondering where the 'create discussion' button is? Turns out you need 30 posts and 50 points (points come from people reacting to your posts) in order to start your own discussions. Head to the welcome categories and post away and you should get there in a day or so.
  • > @jerrycnh said:
    > Regarding preteens, here's my abbreviated rant on why that's not really possible in the Sims 4 Engine.
    > Regarding the modifications you're looking for, the prime example would be a tuning file called testSet_AgeTeenOlder - that file is called by the engine whenever they want to make sure that the sim is, well, a teen or older, before allowing them to do things. If you edit that file and add the child variable as a passing condition, then voila - suddenly kids can do a lot of things adults can do.
    > There's more than just that one file, I think there's like 10 or 15 age checkers like that buried all through the thing. I'd code it for you, but until I can find a way to block the obvious side effect (allowed pedophilic adult-child relationships), I'm afraid that the amount of hate mail I'd get for releasing the mod just wouldn't be worth it. :smile:
    Yeah, if I knew how to code I'd have already done it. :( Regardless of any hate I'd get. It's a fictional game in a fictional world, people can just get over it. I'm no stranger to getting 🌺🌺🌺🌺 from people that can't separate fiction from reality, that think a game equates to real life. I just ignore them. :)
    Do you have a suggestion on how I can begin learning how to code for the Sims? I've just started learning to animate with Blender, I'd like to be able to learn both processes at the same time so I can eventually make my own mods.
  • It would be adorable if they could pass notes to one another.

    Click the siggy to check out my Youtube and if you like what you see, subscribe!
  • I'm going to check if MC Command Center will work because I think that will be adorable.
  • > @Dogicorns said:
    > I'm going to check if MC Command Center will work because I think that will be adorable.
    MC Does not work, but hopefully something like what we want will come out soon.
  • There's is actually a first love mod out there. Very sweet made and kinda harmless crush for kids which can become more if the kids aging up to teens.
  • Omg, someone must do one :o im no good at coding or anything like that so :( dont expect anything from me
  • I can just imagine what all the nut jobs would do with a mod like that. Can it really hurt for them to wait until being a teen before they experience 'romance'? We can do anything twice in our lives but we can never be young again. Let them be kids.
    Find me; Freeasabird, The Shed @ Sims 4 Studio. Custom content for The Sims 4.
  • if you go on to LittleMsSam you can find a mod to get childrens first love highly reccomend it
  • littlemssam first love mod (won't let me post links sozzy)
    its abit delayed but this is the closest thing i can find, sorry if its not what your looking for but the age has great mods also.
  • That is a great mod, LittleMsSam did a great job.
    'Nothing stinks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you are wrong.'
  • > @zap608 said:
    > I can just imagine what all the nut jobs would do with a mod like that. Can it really hurt for them to wait until being a teen before they experience 'romance'? We can do anything twice in our lives but we can never be young again. Let them be kids.
    I have to agree here. I think it's best to leave it as is. There is no real reason to need to add child romance into the game - even in innocence, it seems a little bit..weird?

Sims 4 Child Kiss Mod. 8/9/2020 0 Comments Even divorce is completely upward to you instead of upward to the married Sims.I enjoy viewing the theatre unfold, viewing. Oct 29, 2018 - TS4 “First kiss” Pose Pack!by Sofi Sparks “Including: 3 couple poses for children You will need: ”. Andrew’s pose player. Teleporter Any Sim. BACKPACK Please tag me if you use my.

Sims 4 Child Kiss Mod

4 couple poses for kids; 4 couple poses for toddlers; In-Game; Custom thumbnails. What you'll need: Teleport Any Sim Mod Andrew's. The same case happens in a Sims 4 child romance mod. Carter beats the devil mobi download free pc. Yes, this mod is also under first love mod sims 4. You will get these all right things into a Sims 4 First Love Mod. So far there are many mods active mods such are Sims 4 attraction and relationship mods. In case Sims 4 First Love mod is not working then check sims local folder.

Bold Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Responsibility when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Confident walkstyle by default
  • Randomly Confident moodlet
  • Friends with the 'Monster Under the Bed' by default.
  • Autonomy (general)- More likely to do mischief interactions
  • Interaction- Play Quiet Game (non-autonomous): Target another sim and pick what all child sims participate in the game. Lasts 2 hours, uninterrupted. Raises child skills Social, Creative, and Mental. Gives Fun and Social Need.
  • Interaction- Incite Domestic Defiance (non-autonomous): Target another sim and pick what all child sims listen to the speech. Lasts 30 seconds, uninterrupted. Raises child skill Social. Gives Fun and Social Need. Success results in listeners making a mess and not autonomously cleaning while the moodlet they're given is active. Failure results in negative moodlet for all parties involved.
  • Interaction- Practice Looking Competent (autonomous): Appears on any mirror. Raises child skill Social. Gives Fun Need. Lowers most types of negative moodlets. Has privacy settings (can result in embarrassment if somebody walks in while it's going).

Fretful Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Emotional Control when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Sleepy walkstyle by default (can swap to Jog walkstyle with certain Inspired moodlets, such as from playing music skillfully)
  • Randomly Inspired moodlet (if both Piano and Violin skill are 5 or higher)
  • Moodlet Replacement- Bad playing gives a Sad instead of Embarrassed when nearby sims hear your bad playing
  • Moodlet Replacement- The Inspired moodlet from interactions like 'Plunk for Inspiration' is stronger and gives the Jog walkstyle while active
  • Moodlet Replacements- Cool Key Chords (Piano) and Soothing Strings (Violin) give an Inspired moodlet instead of Happy
  • Interaction- Fret Studiously (autonomous): Appears on Piano and Child Violin. Functions almost identically to Practice. Mostly exists as a way to ensure that Fretful children will have some autonomy pull to use instruments, even with little to no skill.
  • Interaction- Party Fun Ditty (non-autonomous): Appears on Piano if Fretful child has 8 or higher Piano skill. Raises skill Piano. Gives Fun Need. Triggers reaction; nearby sims will change into Party outfit and start dancing if there is a stereo nearby playing music that they can dance to.
  • Interaction- [hidden] (autonomous): Can only activate if Fretful child has 5 or higher skill in both Piano and Violin. Once they do, this interaction should trigger fairly frequently, particularly if Fun Need is low. It gives an Inspired moodlet which changes the walkstyle to Jog and chooses an autonomous music interaction to perform if an instrument is available.
Sims 4 child kiss mod

Gigglemeister Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Loses some Manners when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Autonomy (general)- More likely to do comedy interactions
  • Interaction- Force Laughter (autonomous): Raises child skill Creativity and Fun Need. Gives a Playful moodlet at the end.
  • Interaction- Talk to Self (autonomous): Raises child skill Creativity, gives Fun, Social Need, and a Playful moodlet at the end.
  • Interaction- Silly Dance (autonomous): Requires Playful mood to be available. Raises child skill Creativity and Motor, gives Fun Need. Causes nearby toddlers to do a dance.

Rocket Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Loses some Responsibility when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Run walkstyle by default
  • Randomly Energized moodlet
  • Autonomy (general)- More likely to do exercise interactions (uses autonomy from Active trait)
  • Decay Modifier- Energy Need decays at 0.75 of normal rate
  • Moodlet Replacements- Fun Low and Very Low are Bored instead of Tense
  • Moodlet Replacements- Energy Low and Very Low are Angry instead of Uncomfortable
  • Moodlet Replacement- Active Antsy negative moodlet is Bored instead of Tense
  • Interaction- Run Around (autonomous): Raises child skill Motor and gives Fun Need. Elders who don't have the Active trait may react with shock if the Rocket runs near them while doing this interaction.
  • Interaction- Fight Self (autonomous): Raises child skill Motor, gives Fun Need, and an Energized moodlet at the end.
  • Interaction- Get Hyped (autonomous): Raises child skill Motor, gives Fun Need, and an Energized moodlet at the end. Nearby sims who have the Active or Rocket trait will get an Energized moodlet.
  • Interaction- Drink from Sugar Stash (non-autonomous): Gives a 5 hour, +10 Energized moodlet. When this moodlet is removed, gives a 1 hour, +10 Uncomfortable moodlet (sugar crash).
  • Interaction- Share Sugar Stash (non-autonomous): Target another sim with high enough relationship and share the sugar. Gives them the same moodlet as described above. Recipient's walkstyle is also changed to Run for the duration of the Energized moodlet, even if they aren't Rocket trait.

Sensitive Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Conflict Resolution when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Decay Modifier- Social Need decays at 0.75 of normal rate
  • Moodlet Replacements- Moodlet reaction to things like tantrums are +10 Sad instead of default moodlet
  • Dream Moodlets- Sensitive children will sometimes wake up from sleep with a moodlet, Angry, Happy, Inspired, or Sad. There are 3 variations for each mood type, so 12 possible moodlets in total.
  • Social Sensitivity- Sensitive children will get +5 Angry from too much prolonged proximity to other sims. They need alone time. The following interactions help them cope with this.
  • Interaction- Hang Out Under Covers (autonomous): Appears on Bed. Raises child skill Creativity and Mental. Gives Fun and Energy Need, lowers Angry and Sad moodlets, and lowers level of social stimulation.
  • Interaction- Make Up Stories (autonomous): Raises child skill Creativity and Mental. Gives Fun and a tiny amount of Energy Need, and lowers social stimulation. Gives Inspired moodlet at the end.
  • Interaction- Leave Me Alone (autonomous): Only available when NOT on home lot and when the Angry moodlet from being overstimulated is active. Raises child skill Creativity and Mental, gives Energy Need, and lowers level of social stimulation. A way to avoid Sensitive children turning into a perpetually Angry disaster when out in public. Has high autonomy pull when available.

Sleuth Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Responsibility when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Randomly Focused moodlet (while this moodlet is active, you can click on your Sleuth and do 'Follow Hunch')
  • Autonomy (general)- More likely to do homework when available
  • Interaction- Follow Hunch (autonomous--only available when Randomly Focused moodlet is active): Raises child skill Mental and gives Fun Need. Ends in either Focused moodlet (success) or Embarrassed moodlet (failure).
  • Interaction- Watch for Crime (autonomous): Appears on Telescope. Raises child skill Mental and gives Fun Need. Can give one of a number of possible moodlets. 4 possible Focused, 3 possible Embarrassed, 1 possible Playful, and 1 possible Uncomfortable.
  • Interaction- Interrogate (autonomous): Target another sim (found under Mean socials) and use the brief (and high level) tactics of startling them to reveal their traits. Loses a little relationship in the process. Doesn't do much of anything if traits are already known.

Sweetie Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Empathy when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Randomly Happy (Sweetie is more likely to hug people while this moodlet is active)
  • Interaction- Calming Hug (autonomous--but not likely to happen autonomously, unless Randomly Happy moodlet is active): Found under Friendly socials. Removes Angry moodlets on the target. Gives a Happy moodlet to the giver and receiver.
  • Interaction- Think Happy Thoughts (autonomous): Raises child skill Creativity and Mental, gives Fun Need, gives a Happy moodlet at the end, and lowers all Angry, Sad, Tense, and Uncomfortable moodlets.
  • Interaction- Infectious Happy Dance (autonomous): Requires Happy mood to be available. Raises child skill Motor and Social, gives Fun Need, and broadcasts an infectious virus of happiness that causes nearby sims who are also in a happy mood to start doing an Infectious Happy Dance as well; unfortunately, the viral effect ends there. If it went beyond that, you would have an army of infectiously happy hordes dancing forever. Infectious Happy Dance zombie army should totally be a thing though. One day. One day.

Tattletale Trait

  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Manners when the trait is added in live mode (e.g. during age-up).
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode)
  • Parental Need (the 'need' itself is not visible, in case you're wondering from the word 'need')- Tattletale children get Tense if they're away from parents for too long. Ways that count as being around a parent include using the Follow interaction on them, using any social interaction on them, using the interaction Tell On, or the interaction Chat With Authorities.
  • Interaction- Follow (autonomous): Gain Fun. Gain parental need if the sim that Tattletale is following is one of Parent, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, or Caregiver. Gain Happy moodlet if Tattletale follows 'parent' for long enough. Gain Confident moodlet if Tattletale follows 'non-parent' for long enough.
  • Interaction- Tell On... (non-autonomous): Found under Mean socials when clicking on a sim who is one of Parent, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent, or Caregiver. Gain parental need and Happy moodlet. Sim who is told on gets scolded and gets Angry moodlet.
  • Interaction- Chat With Authorities (autonomous--only autonomous if parental need Tense moodlet is active): Raises child skills Mental and Social, gives Fun and Social Need, lowers Tense buffs and parental need.


This mod may or may not require Parenthood. The only part I'm sure about is anything relating to Character Values won't happen. I figured if you're the sort of person who'll download a Child Traits mod, you'll probably be the type who'd go for the Parenthood pack. So I didn't check the overlap extensively. If you don't have Parenthood, use at your own risk.

This mod overrides a few files, which are hopefully obscure enough as to never cause conflicts:

  • S4_0C772E27_00000000_0000000000009A7A | Loot_Wakeup_RemoveWakeupBuffs
  • S4_4F739CEE_00000012_00000000000279E3 | scores_ParentingSkill_InfluenceForce_Outcomes
  • S4_0C772E27_00000000_0000000000008D19 | Skill_Loot_Dynamic_Small_ChildrenOnly_Social


  • Italian by Ygdra_
  • Portugeuse by Valuret


Special thanks to Sofmc9 for a couple of adapted toddler animations (they are used in the Silly Dance interaction).

Connection to Teen and Toddler Traits

Sims 4 Child Kiss Mod

The personality choices for this mod were designed both with my 8 Pack of Teen Exclusive Traits in mind and with the default 8 Maxis Toddler Traits in mind.

Sims 4 Child Kiss Mod Download

Each one corresponds to one of the Teen Traits and Toddler Traits, as follows (the idea being that when a Child Sim ages up, you can pick the trait that corresponds to continue the evolution of their special personality):

  • Fussy (toddler) --> Fretful (child) --> Living Instrument (teen)
  • Clingy (toddler) --> Sensitive (child) --> Emotional Conduit (teen)
  • Charmer (toddler) --> Sweetie (child) --> Relentless Tease (teen)
  • Inquisitive (toddler) --> Sleuth (child) --> Electric Sliderule (teen)
  • Wild (toddler) --> Rocket (child) --> Perpetual Motion (teen)
  • Angelic (toddler) --> Tattletale (child) --> Goody Two Shoes (teen)
  • Independent (toddler) --> Bold (child) --> Frenzied Rebel (teen)
  • Silly (toddler) --> Gigglemeister (child) --> Walking Punchline (teen)