Spellcasting Services 5e Adventurers League Dmg

All characters created for Adventurers League play use these rules instead of the normal rules for Ability Score Increases afforded by virtue of your character’s race.
Proficiencies can be replaced for other proficiencies as detailed in the table; DMs don’t have the discretion to allow additional options.
Custom Lineage
These rules aren’t used in Adventurers League play.
You can replace one of your character’s skill proficiencies with another skill proficiency at 5th level, 11th level, 16th level, and 20th level. This isn't subject to PH+1.
You can replace one of your character’s subclasses with another subclass at 5th level, 11th level, 16th level, and 20th level. This isn't subject to PH+1.
Training Time
You must spend a number of downtime days equal to twice your character’s level and 100 gp equal to your current level. The gold cost is waived if you return to a subclass that you previously held.

Adventurers League

  • Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide. Acolyte Background. Characters with the Shelter of the Faithful background feature can request spellcasting services at a temple of their faith. Once per day they may receive. From the Spellcasting Services table for free (plus the cost of any material component needed).
  • VirtualBox supports a subset of read-only DMG files for CD/DVD images, but not for virtual hard disks. I personally like the DMG format because unlike ISOs, the CD images are compressed and checksummed. Jun 22, 2016 How to Convert Mac OS X DMG to ISO to install on VMware and Virtualbox. Burn DMG file in Windows to bootable.
  • Spellcasting services has been moved to here from the players guide. Welcome to the unofficial D&D Adventurers League subreddit!

Factions are part of Adventure League not part of 5e. Yeah you are free to have factions in your game but the Adventure League factions exist for a specific purpose, namely organized play. There's an entire section in the DMG about factions.

Join the Adventurers League and make your story legend!

Spellcasting Services

  • Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp
  • Identify 20 gp
  • Lesser restoration 40 gp
  • Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
  • Dispel Magic 90 gp
  • Remove curse 90 gp
  • Speak with dead 90 gp
  • Divination 210 gp
  • Greater restoration 450 gp
  • Raise dead^ 1,000 gp
  • Resurrection^ 3,000 gp

Paladin Spellcasting 5e

  • True Resurrection^ 30,000 gp

^Characters may instead receive these services by spending treasure checkpoints to purchase spell scrolls.


Services provided by an NPC are limited to this list. Characters may purchase spell scrolls containing these spells using treasure checkpoints which NPCs cast for free to benefit the character who purchased the scroll.

Spellcasting Services 5e Adventurers League Dmg Download

Downtime. You can also use Downtime to have these spells cast, for more info see the Downtime Activities section.

Acolyte Background. A character possessing the acolyte background requesting spellcasting services at a temple of his or her faith can request one spell per day from the Spellcasting Services table for free. The only cost paid for the spell is the base price for the consumed material component, if any.

Acolyte Temples

Spellcasting Services 5e Adventurers League

Season: Region – Deities
1: Phlan – Kelemvor
2: Mulmaster – Bane, Loviatar, Tymora, Velsharoon
3: Hillsfar Chauntea, Lliira, Tempus
4: Barovia – Jeny Greenteeth
5: Sword Coast T1: Parnast – Mielikki T2: Stagwick – Chauntea T3: Beregost – Lathander, Waukeen
6: Sword Coast T1: Mirabar – Dumathoin, Sharindlar, Tymora T2: Neverwinter – Oghma, Selûne, Tyr T3: Dagger Falls – Lathander, Tyr
7: Port Nyanzaru – Gond, Savras, Waukeen
8: Waterdeep – Any non-evil deity