Trinity Admin Addon 4.0.6

Trinity Admin Addon 4.0.6Trinity Admin Addon 4.0.6

A user-friendly GameMaster and Developer addon. Supports the latest TrinityCore Master, as well as (presumably) previous expansions.!Early Alpha! Inspired by an old Blizzcon video where parts of the GM interface were revealed (unfortunately, I have since been unable to find it again), and annoye. Discussion on Trinity Admin Addon within the WoW Private Server forum part of the World of Warcraft category., 22:05 #1. NiiRiXx 0. Oxy Toolbox adds several time-saving and useful features for the Oxygen builder. Each module and option can be enabled and disabled individually. Current Features Class Act This module lets you move or copy the styles associated with id or a class of any element to a new class. Version Notes For 4.0.6 Updated on: 2009-01-02 11:39:17 EST by NATOHunter ( View Zip Contents ) Removed settinglib hack. Streamline and homogenize the Admin / Member options. Better grouping in Addon's Interface Options page - context sensitive item tooltip hints 1.3.5 - harden zg/aq autoroller logic, now actually play tested. add single member positive EP awards to log / admin announce instead of just penalties. add some leftover hardcoded strings to.

29 Apr I am looking for a gm helper for a (cataclysm) trinity server? I have looked and cannot find any so far, btw has anyone made a gm addon. Trinity Admin V2 - posted in WoW Tools: I thought I would take the time to update trinity admin, to work with the latest trinity core version and release it to the public.

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I am proud to release the newest version of TrinityAdmin!
TrinityAdmin is a popular client-addon which greatly simplifies the tasks of a GM.
-=[ TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 Revision 14 ]=-
This is a major release, incorporating many, many fixes along with
some major new features (Tickets, Who). This release would NOT have
happened without the generous and patient assistance of Kitharo (from
Land of Legends). All of us owe Kitharo a great debt for testing TrinityAdmin
on one of the world's largest servers and providing detailed feedback
so that I could make Tickets work again. Thank you, my friend!
Major changes:
*The TICKETS system is now functioning. Note that you MUST apply the included SQL to your world Db in order for
TICKETS to function.
*The WHO tab is functional. Instantly see who is on your server, see their account and character info, whisper/goname/namego/mail/kick with just two clicks! Requires application of included SQL on world db
in order to function.
*The TELE tab has been overhauled, rearranged, and added to. Northrend is now included. Many thanks to Gimp and Pryd for their work on this!
Minor Changes/Adds:
- Modified sizes of tabs
- Added PvP tab
- Added Event tab
- Added RPG tab
- Added Vendor tab
- Added AhBot tab
- Added Who tab
- Mail error fixed. Note you still cannot send big messages.. 200 apprx charatcers is the server limit
- Update frequency of the Udate Diff graph changed to approx 1 minute
- Server info auto refreshes every 1 minute
- Added complete WHO system on WHO tab: see who is online, click for detailed info
- Integrated MUCh more complete teleport table from old MangAdmin (thanks, Gimp and Pryd!!!)
- Added support for Bulgarian language (buBU)
- Updated localisation for enUS, frFR, svSV
- Removed support for fiFI, liLI, zhCN, nlNL languages until translators can be found
- Added 'GM Chat' command to GM tab
- Added Waterwalk command to GM tab
- Added acccount lock/unlock command to GM tab
- Added .gm ingame, .gm list, and .pet create
- Added .pet learn, .pet unlearn, .pet tp
- Added .lookup taxinode, .go taxinode
- Added .go trigger
- Added .cast, .cast back, .cast dist, .cast self, .cast target
- added .list item
- Added .account create, .account delete, .account set addon, .account set gmlevel, .account set password
- added .gmnotify
This new version of TrinityAdmin contains many significant changes over previous versions.
As such, the proper installation of TrinityAdmin is no longer as simple as it once was.
Please follow the steps below to ensure you can enjoy the full benefits of TrinityAdmin
TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 r14 supports client version 3.3.2 (3.0.3, 3.1.3, and 3.2.2a may also work, BUT ARE UNSUPPORTED).
It does not work with 1.x or 2.x clients.
TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 r14 supports Trinity Core servers ONLY. It will not work with MaNGOS, Arc, Ascent, Hearthstone, or any other emu. TrinityCores supporting 3.3.2 are highly recommended.
TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 r14 supports localisation for: enUS, svSV, and frFR. Other languages are in process of translation and will be added to svn.
1. You should have unpacked the install archive into your Addons folder (i.e the
TrinityAdmin folder is in the Addons folder).
2. ON THE SERVER -> You MUST run the SQL queries in the included ta.sql file on the server's 'world' database.
If you do not, the Ticket tab and the Who tab will NOT work.
3. ON THE SERVER -> You may wish to review the security level requirements for certain GM commands. For example, the
.account onlinelist by default needs a level 4. If your GMs dont have level 4, they wont be able to use the WHO tab.
4. Once the SQLs have been installed and the server reloaded (or .reload trinity_string), log
into the game.
5. Click the TA icon on the minimap frame. Do NOT open TrinityAdmin any other way just yet.
6. Click the Tickets tab. If you receive and error, DO NOT close it, just click the Tickets tab again.
7. Click the Change Language button to reload the addon.
8. Click the TA icon on the minimap frame. Do NOT open TrinityAdmin any other way just yet.
9. Click the Who tab. If you receive and error, DO NOT close it, just click the Who tab again.
10. Click the Change Language button to reload the addon.
(these steps are required on some locales in order to properly create the new local tables that the addon uses
to store tickets and 'who' information'
11. The addon is now properly installed. Subsequent installs, or installs on another client machine will require steps
4-9 to be performed for each separate install.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________ _______
Get it. Now.
- svn:
- Downloads:
- Issue tracker:
Apparently, i cannot post URLs. You get the idea.

Gm Addon Wow

[Trinity] Funserver Levelcap 255 + tutorial how to set it up!
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and also gain access to other great features.
Hello guys! This is first time i release a repack but dont worry the repack is working its not first time i compile a server =)
What is included in repack?
C++ Script changed to levelcap 255
C++ Script for custom WorldChat --> Credit goes to MoltenX and Parranoia for the awesome worldchat
C++ Script Removed Stats cap
Maps Vmaps And DBC is also included in the repack folder so everything in 1 folder!
Programs needed:
winrar Download Link:
How do i use this?
1. open the downloaded file and drag the folder inside it to your C drive
2. open the folder and then open the _Server folder
3. Start MySQL
4. go back one step to the folder where you see Worldserver.exe and authserver.exe and other folders and stuff
5. start Authserver and worldserver
6. now open Heidi/navicat (This is your database) you dont need to have it open but if you want to import something you do it through the database!
7. now open world of warcraft folder and then open folder called 'Data' then open next folder called 'enGB/enUS'
8. now Open delete everything inside it and paste this Set Realmlist
9. now type in worldserver console 'account create accountname password' Replace the red text with your account name and the blue text with your password you can choose anything you want!
10. alright! almost finished... now type 'account set gmlevel accountname 3 1' in the worldserver console and replace accountname with the account you typed in worldserver c without the quote ofc ^^,
11. FINISHED! now you can just open world of warcraft and login with the account name and password that you used in worldserver console
the world chat also show if player is Horde, Alliance, VIP, TrialGM, GM and so on!
the command for worldchat is .chat <Text>
anyway i used the repack to test scripts but now im releasing it because i think someone want a trinity server with this scripts
i don't know how many quests or spells is working but... it's trinity and i have not seen any buged quest/spell right now and anyway i made this server as a 255 funserver so you wont need the blizzlike quests anyway and i have not found any buged spell
btw im sry if my english and grammar is not that good anyway i think you understand!
remember this is first repack i upload and im new to compiling i have compiled just a few servers before still learning.
if there is something that you dont like please tell me and i will do my best to fix this!