Voice Changer Black Man

Clownfish's API

Voice Changer Black Man

One of the most popular and best voice changer programs that you can use on Discord. We also have a Male to Female Voice Changer if you're interested in voice feminisation. This visual can help us understand how different vocal ranges between men's voices and women's voices compare to one another - in general, a male voice will fall into the bottom three categories, while a female voice will be in one of the top three tiers. Boris The Animal in Men In Black 3 AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 8 Downloads: 2289 Xmas AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 8 Downloads: 2249 Sister Abigail Nickvoice AV Voice Changer Software 7 Downloads: 1553 Halloween Voices AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9 Downloads: 1545. The 2014 documentary Do I Sound Gay? Explored the degrees to which a higher-pitched or so-called effeminate voice can have on a man's perception of his own masculinity, and highlighted that even. DROP A LIKE OR GET BEASTED!in this episode i use my squeaker voice changer in a 1v1 against a salty player and he gets absolutely BEASTED on black ops cold w.

You can control Clownfish by sending windows messages from your application( see Data Copy )
Sent command should be utf8 encoded string in this format 'X|Y'. X - numeric comand, Y-string/numeric value
Command X=0 ( start audio file ) , Y - is file location
Command X=1 ( start text to speech ), Y - text to be converted
Command X=2 ( enable/disable Clownfish ), Y - 0/1
Command X=3 ( set voice changer ), Y - (0-14) - selected voice (0:none)
Command Custom pitch 3|13|Z - Z float pitch level (-15.0 to +15.0) ex. '3|13|2.55'
Command X=4 ( set sound fx ), Y - (1-4) - selected effect (0:disable)
Command X=5 ( set sound volume ), Y - (0-100)
Command X=6 ( enable VST effect ), Y - (string) - 'disable', 'configure', 'VST name'
Command X=7 ( music control ), Y - 0:pause 1:resume
'0|C:musicgood.mp3' - start playing good.mp3 file
'0|' - stop playing any music
'1|How are you?' - start text to speech conversion with current selected narrator
'2|0' - turn Clownfish off
'2|1' - turn Clownfish on

Example connection from C/C++ application:

Teen Voice Changer

Contact me if you need more information.